LGBTQ+ custom emojis

LGBTQ+ movement is stronger than ever, and having representation everywhere matters. This category is just for that, here you can find signs for all the LGBTQ+ community and pride flags. You can use these emojis to show support and solidarity with the LGBTQ+ community and spread the love. These emojis help to create a more inclusive and welcoming online environment and reflect the growing acceptance and celebration of LGBTQ+ identity in society. Find your emoji here!
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How do I upload a custom emoji to Slack?

To upload your custom emoji to Slack workspace follow these steps.
Click the arrow beside your workspace name and select "customize slack".

Click "add custom emoji" and select your emoji.
Choose a name and click save. The emoji should now be available for use in your Slack workspace!

See also other emojis like most popular, recently added, Party Parrot and Cat